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The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce Governmental Affairs Committee represents the interests of the business community on a local, state and federal level.

The Chamber and committee develop relationships with public officials to ensure that the business community has a seat at the table on issues that could impact the community.

The Eastern Shore Chamber of Commerce does NOT endorse any specific candidate or party but does strive to educate voters on where candidates stand on issues facing the local business community.

The Governmental Affairs committee supplies members with regular updates on legislation being passed in both Montgomery and Washington that could impact your business.

This legislative agenda outlines the Eastern Shore Chamber's priorities for Spanish Fort, Daphne, Fairhope, and the broader Eastern Shore area. 

Read 2025 Legislative Agenda

The Governmental Affairs Committee encourages the community to get out and vote during each election cycle. The committee also uses education to help voters feel confident in their votes at the polls. They do this through Election Guides where voters can get to know the candidates and Election Forums where voters can meet the candidates in person and compare.

The Governmental Affairs Committee hosts the Annual Elected Officials Luncheon, which gives members an opportunity to connect with elected officials representing the Eastern Shore and Baldwin County. The goal is to build relationships and establish a continuous discussion regarding issues that impact the business community.

The Mayors’ Prayer Breakfast is held annually on the National Day of Prayer. More than 400 business leaders join the mayors of Daphne, Fairhope & Spanish Fort for an inspirational and uplifting breakfast that includes a keynote speaker.

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